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Sep 12 2021

C2 Mastery. The Ultimate C2 English Course

C2 MASTERY. THE ULTIMATE C2 ENGLISH COURSE   «This is the book that I wish I had found when I started teaching advanced English, quite a few years ago… … so I decided to create it.» Javier Blanco    …

Sep 06 2021

Your time saving solution for modern teaching

Every time you download a worksheet you are saving yourself between 2 and 5 hours of work or study. Multiply that for the hundreds of worksheets that you need every course, and you’ll be fascinated at the amount of EXTRA…

May 04 2020

Popular Mediations on tests that truly happen in Real Life.

PROCESSING TEXTS In our Mediation Series today we are looking at popular mediations on tests that truly happen in daily life. I was browsing a news website looking for suitable articles to use as source texts in our mediations when I…

Nov 29 2019

The Way Experience in EOI Burgos

Nuestro tour por las EOIs de todo el país nos trae esta semana hasta Burgos.  Llegamos ayer bajo una cortina de agua y nos encantó pasear por el casco antiguo, casi desierto. Y volvimos a visitar La Favorita, taberna urbana…

Nov 15 2019

Escalas de Evaluación

Presentación Este post que estás leyendo es el resumen de la ponencia que di en las III Jornadas Giele el pasado 16 de Noviembre de 2019 en Donostia. #thewayGiele #Donostia2019 #Giele2019 (por si quieres saber más de lo que allí…

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Design & development: Daniel Caballero